Preacher’s Corner

Romans 11:29

God Will Deliver “All a man has is his word” That is the principle that my granddaddy taught us boys to live by as we grew up to become men. 

Romans 12:11

We Gotta Give The  life of the believer is not just praise and worship 24/7!  This may surprise some people who think that the life of the believer is all

Romans 12:15

Ministry of Realness Romans 12:15 – “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” It is critical in the ministry of Jesus, the Christ, that we

1Corinthians 12:4

His Connecting Spirit It is amazing that when you observe a collectivity of believers you will not find just gifts.  Instead you will find DIVERSITIES of gifts.  In other words

1Corinthians 7:24

Know Your Purpose! STAY IN YOUR LANE!!!!!!  That principle is one that people tend to often violate.  The violation happens for a few reasons.  First, the person does not know

1Peter 1:10

Know Your Calling It is a very difficult thing to walk as a believer in unsurity and a lack of confidence as to the stability of your spiritual fate.  Am

Matthew 5:14

Preachin’ Ain’t Easy! This is ministry as a living testimony. Sounds simple and churchy but it is much deeper than that!  Being put up for others to see is one

Matthew 28:20

You Can Do It! This is ministry preached and taught…God has such high expectations of His creation.  Once salvation has been secured, there is the expectation that every born-again believer

Jeremiah 3:15

Effective Not Perfect So often you hear the statement that Pastors are JUST human.  They are human but they are not just human.  First of all this is often stated

Called To Preach

Text: Jonah 3:1-3: 1 And the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the second time, saying, 2 Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the

1Corinthians 1:26

God Called Me   We cannot take this  calling of God to the Gospel of Jesus, the Christ, lightly!  Self-perception and spiritual self-esteem are critical to this journey and effort.